Policy of Uzbekistan in the sphere of protection of children's rights on pages of the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Nahar
Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour. It is emphasized that in 2013-2014 the social partners in Uzbekistan (Federation of Trade Unions, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Chamber of Commerce) together with experts from the International Labour Organization organized an international and national monitoring of child labor in the cotton industry. According to the Kuwaiti newspaper, the results of these studies confirm the absence of the country's use of child labor in the cotton harvest, which ...
View from Greece: Uzbekistan - dynamically developing country
Round table on theme "The progress of cooperation between Uzbekistan, International Labour Organization and World Bank in the implementation of international labor standards", which has been held in Tashkent, quickened wide interest among expert circles in Greece. Round table on theme "The progress of cooperation between Uzbekistan,...
European Union supports the further development of cooperation with Uzbekistan
This was announced by Head of the Delegation of the European Union in our country, Ambassador Yuri Stärk during the round table on "Improving the implementation of international legal mechanisms for children's rights", which was held on 8 September this year in Tashkent.
UN: Uzbekistan gives the priority to protecting the interests and rights of children
UN: Uzbekistan gives the priority to protecting the interests and rights of children - Uzbekistan News
Informational material on the priority given to protecting the interests of children's rights in our country was presented as an official document on the 69th session of the UN General Assembly
International cooperation for the improvement of labor relations
August 5-6, 2015 in Tashkent hosted round table on the theme "Progress in cooperation between Uzbekistan and the International Labour Organization and the World Bank in the implementation of international labor standards". August 5-6, 2015 in Tashkent hosted round table on the theme "Progress in cooperation between Uzbekistan ... ... International Organization of Employers, as well as heads of international organizations and a number of diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Tashkent. On the first day of the following reports were presented national and foreign participants ...
Meeting at Federation of Trade Unions with delegation of ILO and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Meeting with the delegations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), led by Special Adviser to the ILO Director Kari Tapiola and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) as part of Adviser of the International Trade Union Confederation, Anton Tamm and Director of Global Academy of International Trade Union Confederation Steven Benedict held at Training Center of the Federation of Trade Unions.
Meeting_FederationDuring the meeting they discussed the components of decent work and the work carried out in the framework of decent work country programs.
The guests got acquainted that the trade unions of Uzbekistan through the mechanism of collective bargaining regulation are working to full compliance with ILO Conventions. Along with this, training of administration officials, experts and trade union trainers on national and international labor standards, is being organized. Training courses have been implemented in all colleges and high schools of the country on labor matters.
As part of the development of a feedback mechanism (FM) under the Federation of Trade Unions established Legal Clinic, which recruited 30 volunteers to establish operations in this direction. For MOS will be introduced a short telephone number, unified throughout the country.
The main purpose – to understand the complaints of citizens and on the results of the analysis to give suggestions to the relevant authorities and institutions of executive authority in the field to improve the activities of the Labour and Social Affairs.
Representatives of international organizations noted a huge role of Trade Unions in the development and implementation of Decent Work Country Programmes.
Tripartite partners hold talks with ILO delegation
Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) -- Tripartite partners (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Populaion, Council of Federation of Trade Unions, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan) held a meeting with the mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) led by special advisor of the Director-General of the ILO Kari Tapiola.
Committee of Legislative Chamber considers execution of ILO conventions
Tashkent, Uzbekistan - Committee of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan on democratic institutes, non-governmental organizations and self-governing bodies organized a hearing of information on execution of the Conventions No. 138 (On the minimum age for admission to employment and work) and No. 182 (On eliminating the worst forms of child labour) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) by the departments and organizations.
In Belgium, the special issue of the bulletin Uzbekistan Profile has been published, introduces the European public with the modern development of our country. It includes material on the social and economic reforms undertaken in the country measures to improve the welfare of citizens, protect their rights and interests.
The bulletin provides information on the cooperation between Uzbekistan and the International Labour Organization (ILO) for the prevention of the worst forms of child labor and forced labor. It says that in 2008 Uzbekistan has ratified ILO Convention 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and ILO Convention 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment, which are successfully implemented.
In particular, the commitment of the Government of the Republic fulfill its international obligations and to strengthen the legal framework for the protection of the rights of minors, the important role of trade union organizations, including all the collective bargaining regulations on compliance with the minimum age for admission to employment and preventing the worst forms of child labor. The article also provides information on the activities of the Coordination Council on Child Labour, which is a public body, coordinating the efforts of government agencies and civil society institutions on the implementation of national policies and the improvement of work in this area.
The section on international cooperation, published articles on the recent visit to Uzbekistan, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Iyad bin Amin Madani, President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, president of the Association of National Olympic Committees and the Olympic Council of Asia Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah. The documents also said that reputable guests were received by the President of our country Islam Karimov.
Then newsletter introduces the audience to the swing of democratic reforms, speaking about the improvement in the mechanisms for implementing the Republic of effective parliamentary control, and the system of training of legal personnel, play an important role in the implementation of judicial reform and the development and prosperity of society.
Article, which is about the implementation in Uzbekistan of the State program "Year of attention and care for the senior generation", notes the role of trade unions in achieving the tasks of ensuring the full support of the elderly, veterans, the elderly and people with disabilities, protecting their rights and interests, improving their well-being. The article states that the implementation of measures within the framework of the State program trade union organizations of the country sent more than 16 billion soums.
In Uzbekistan Profile proanosirovano also holding the X-th anniversary of the International Music Festival "Sharq taronalari", which will be held on August 2015 in Samarkand. It is noted that this festival will be attended Folklor group from Belgium and the Netherlands, which will demonstrate vyzskatelnomu international jury and numerous domestic and foreign guests of the forum your art.
IA "Jahon", Brussels
The official website of the Center for Research on International Security USGAM (Turkey) published an article "Uzbekistan's complex legal actions against forced child labor".
Activity of Uzbekistan in the field of child protection.
It gives details on activities in our country, a large-scale work to establish strong mechanisms to protect the rights of the child, as well as improving the national legislation and practice in line with international conventions.
As the newspaper writes, being a full member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Uzbekistan has ratified 13 ILO Conventions, including the elimination of forced labor and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and others.
The article notes that the Commission for Minors, Republican Center for Social Adaptation of Children, Republican interdepartmental commission on combating trafficking in persons, the Coordination Council on Child Labour, Interdepartmental Working Group on the Application of Conventions ILO and others functioning in order to coordinate the activities of state authorities to ensure the protection of children's rights in the republic.
Special attention is paid to the fact that in the compilation of an international organization "Save the children" with the ranking of countries where Uzbekistan deservedly took the 9th place among 161 states.
IA "Jahon", Ankara
Activity of Uzbekistan in the field of child protection
At the headquarters of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the city of Minsk information material titled "The priority - protection of the interests and rights of children" has been distributed among the CIS member states.
It notes that for our country from the first years of independence the issues of children's rights, their health and quality education have become a priority of public policy. In particular, it creates a legal framework of the national education system aimed at radical reform of education, formation and development of the national training system at the level of developed countries.
In addition, it is reported that 92% of children in the country by the development parameters correspond to World Health Organization standards. In the the ranking of countries compiled by International organization "Save the children", which show the level of taking care of the health of the younger generation, Uzbekistan deservedly took the 9th place among 161 states.
In addition, the article also notes the measures taken for the effective implementation of ILO conventions, which is an important item on the agenda of collective bargaining between employers and trade unions. "General Agreement between the Government of the country, the Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce of the socio-economic issues in 2014-2016 contains a direct instruction about the parties' commitment to full compliance with ILO Conventions. Similar obligations are included in collective bargaining at the industry acts, territorial and local levels. In particular, almost all collective agreements include regulations on compliance with the minimum age for admission to employment and to prevent the worst forms of child labor", - the document stated.
The article focuses on the creation of the Coordination Council on Child Labour under the guidance of the Trade Union Federation of Uzbekistan. It is a public body and is formed on a permanent basis from representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, trade unions, employers' associations and other civil society institutions.
"The Council in its work pays special attention to monitoring the exclusion of child labor in various sectors of the economy. For example, in autumn monitoring is carried out in the cotton fields, while at other times it is carried out in business structures",- the article concludes.
IA "Jahon"
BNS informs about the protection of the interests and rights of children in Uzbekistan
The portal Baltic News Service BNS (Baltic News Service) in the category of social and political press releases posted information materials in Russian and English "Priority - protection of the interests and rights of children".
It reports that the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments of the republic with the support of the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the national and regional levels a series of "round tables" dedicated to the World Day Against Child Labour have been held.
At these events, it was noted that in Uzbekistan from the first years of independence the issues of children's rights, health, quality education for children became a priority direction of state policy. In particular, it creates a legal framework of the national education system aimed at radical reform of education, formation and development of the national training system at the level of developed countries.
"In 1992, Uzbekistan has ratified the ILO Convention "On the Rights of the Child", which is one of the first officially accepted international instruments. The country adopted the Law "On guarantees of the rights of the child". All documents relating to the interests of the child, the issues of children's rights are set at the level of international standards", - the article says.
IA "Jahon", Riga
"Round table" dedicated to the world day against child labour
Tashkent hosted a "round table" dedicated to the World Day Against Child Labour. It was organized by the Federation Council of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan (FCTU), International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Representation of Children's Fund of the United Nations (UNICEF) in our country.
Addressing at the meeting Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Abduhakimov, chairman of FCTU T.Narbaeva, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce A.Shayhov, head of the UNICEF office in Tashkent R.Fuderich and others noted that in Uzbekistan, upbringing of harmoniously developed, smart and healthy young generation is a priority of state policy. Great attention is paid to education, to the development of which allocated more than 35% of the state budget.
As part of a state policy to prevent the worst forms of child labor in Uzbekistan conducted a large-scale work aimed at creating stronger mechanisms to protect the rights of the child, as well as the improvement of national legislation and practice in line with international conventions.
It was stressed that the country in 2008 ratified the Convention 182 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and ILO Convention 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment, which are successfully implemented. In order to strengthen the responsibility of economic entities and individuals for violation of the inadmissibility of the use of child labor, as well as for violation of labor legislation in respect of persons who have not attained the age of eighteen, in 2009 adopted the Law "On Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on administrative responsibility in connection with the improvement of the legislation on the protection of minors".
In accordance with this, this Code is supplemented by new regulations, impose more stringent liability officials and other persons for violation of labor legislation and labor protection of minors for using child labor in work that can harm their health, safety or morals, or for administrative enforcement of the minor to work.
Article 241 of the Labour Code prohibits the employment of persons under eighteen years of age in jobs with poor working conditions, underground and other works that may damage the health, safety or morals of this category of workers. Lifting and moving of loads exceeding the established norms by persons below eighteen years is not allowed.
It was noted that the adoption of appropriate measures for the effective implementation of ILO conventions is an important item on the agenda of collective bargaining between employers and trade unions. General Agreement between the Government of the country, the Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce of the socio-economic issues in the years 2014-2016 contains a direct instruction about the parties' commitment to full compliance with ILO Conventions. Similar obligations are included in collective bargaining at the industry acts, territorial and local levels.
The ongoing systematic work in this direction provides prevention of child labor. In order to enhance these activities under the leadership of the Trade Union Federation of Uzbekistan the Coordination Council on Child Labour. It is a public body and is formed on a permanent basis from representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, trade unions, employers' associations and other civil society institutions.
Coordinating Council played a crucial role in the organization and monitoring of child labor in the cotton industry, organized by Uzbekistan and the ILO in 2013, as well as in a national monitoring of child labor in cotton harvesting cotton in 2014.
The monitoring, which took place with the participation and technical support of ILO experts, revealed the absence of the use of forced child labor on a systematic basis in the collection of cotton and small business entities.
As a result of the announcement of the results of monitoring and conclusions of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations at the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference marked by positive progress in cooperation between Uzbekistan and the ILO. To identify cases of the presence of children in the cotton fields of regional groups monitoring drawn up removal of children, and with the help of labor inspections instituted the case on administrative responsibility.
An important preventive measure in the fight against child labor is the organization of summer recreation of children of school age. Every year, children's camps organized by the trade unions of the Republic of rest and improvement of about 300 thousand children. In particular, in 2015 it organized the work camps in 1149, in which preferential recovery of more than 287 thousand children is planned.
Taking into account the interests of the children activity of several specialized camps has been improved. Their number this year has reached 220, including camps for "Intellectual Development" and "Social adaptation" for children without parental care. More than 23 thousand qualified teachers, heads of clubs, sports instructors have been attracted to work in this area.
IA "Jahon"
CIS members are introduced to the measures carried out in Uzbekistan on protection of children's rights
Protecting children's rights is a priority of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The country has taken concrete and effective measures aimed at preventing the use of child and forced labor.
This is referred to in the information material distributed by the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States and countries of the CIS.
The document notes that Uzbekistan has a robust legal framework that protects children's rights in the workplace. Constitution prohibited any form of forced labor, which is the legal basis for the protection of citizens from exploitation, discrimination and coercion. The legislation provides criminal penalties for forced labor and human trafficking, set the minimum age for admission to employment, prohibits the employment of persons under 18 years of age in 34 areas of production. This category of citizens are not allowed to 1673 specific professions".
It is stated that the main government bodies responsible for issues relating to children in the community, including control over the prevention of the worst forms of child labor are the Special Commission on Minors under the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, as well as Coordination Council on Child Labour.
In addition, direct control over compliance with current legislation on protection of the rights of the younger generation is also carried out by the Institute of Ombudsman and its branches in the regions.
Further reports on the conduct of the International Labour Organization in the period from 11 September to 31 October 2013 monitoring to prevent the use of child labor.
"The monitoring was conducted on the basis of principles and practices of the ILO, and also included conducting trainings and seminars across the country, - stated in the information material. - An approach based on the principles of capacity building, open communication, problem solving and mutual respect demonstrated by the high level of preparation and cooperation during the monitoring period".
It is noted that the monitoring revealed the absence of the use of forced child labor in a systematic manner. Along with this, in the course of the study there was widespread awareness of all citizens on the national legislation and international conventions in the field of prevention of child labor.
Special attention is given in the information material to the International Conference "The role of trade unions in ensuring citizens' rights to decent working conditions: the experience of Uzbekistan" held on April 22-23, 2015 in Tashkent.
IA "Jahon", Minsk
Baltic news service informs about the productive cooperation between Uzbekistan and the ILO
The website of Baltic News Service (BNS) posted information material "On measures taken in Uzbekistan to prevent the use of child and forced labor". In particular, it reports that our country by the way of building a democratic, law-based state, one of the first in the region has ratified 13 conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), including forced labor and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child labor and others. It was noted that the provision of human rights and freedoms are the supreme purpose in Uzbekistan.
"Uzbek law provides criminal penalties for forced labor and human trafficking, the minimum age of recruitment, is prohibited to employ persons under 18 years of age in 34 areas of production, and they are not allowed to specific occupations in 1673, compulsory education for 12 years, after which Every year more than 500,000 young men and women get 2-3 profession demanded in the market", - noted in the material.
At the same time it stressed that the country created a system of state institutions to prevent forced labor, including the worst forms of child labor. "Confirmation of the commitment of Uzbekistan to further develop and strengthen constructive cooperation with the ILO on the implementation of the Convention №105 is adopted in April this year in the framework of the ILO signed a Memorandum of Understanding," the ILO country program for decent work in Uzbekistan for 2014-2016".
"Evidence of a strong commitment of Uzbekistan to fulfill its international obligations in the field of occupational safety and health is the development of constructive dialogue and intensified cooperation with the ILO in the last two years. Since 2013, 20 joint activities conducted with the ILO. Nine times representatives of the ILO have visited the republic.
At present in Uzbekistan together with the International Labour Organization the conditions of labor and employment practices of labor to harvest cotton are being studied.
Due to the fact that in the last year achieved a high level of cooperation with the ILO and, given the commitment of the Government of the Republic to fulfill international obligations, at the 103 Session of the ILC in 2014 Uzbekistan was not included in the number of countries which have problems with the implementation of ILO Conventions", - the article stresses.
IA "Jahon", Riga
Afghan newspaper about cooperation of Uzbekistan and the ILO
In the regular issue of the Afghan English language newspaper Daily Outlook Afghanistan published an article "Uzbekistan and the International Labour Organization signed a Memorandum of Understanding".
According to the publication, the ceremony of signing the document attached to it program on decent work in the country for 2014-2016 took place in Tashkent.
It is emphasized that in the framework of the Memorandum and Programme envisages cooperation in such priority areas as the strengthening of the social partnership in Uzbekistan to implement the fundamental principles and rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, improving working conditions and social protection.
The newspaper notes that the document will contribute to the promotion of international labor standards, the promotion of employment through the implementation of active labor market policies, the development of entrepreneurship, strengthen labor protection and extend coverage of social protection.
Special attention is given to the material Permanent Representative of UNDP and the Head of the EU delegation in Uzbekistan and expressed readiness to promote the activities, which will focus on the practical implementation of the program on decent work in the country for 2014-2016.
IA "Jahon", Kabul
Escap acquainted with the measures on protection of children's rights carried out in Uzbekistan
At the headquarters of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok distributed information material on the measures undertaken in Uzbekistan to prevent the use of child and forced labor.
The document notes that fr om the first days of independence, Uzbekistan has chosen the path of building a democratic, legal state, wh ere the provision of human rights and freedoms are the supreme goal. Being a full member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the country has ratified 13 ILO conventions, including the Forced Labour and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and others.
As a confirmation of the commitment of Uzbekistan to further develop and strengthen constructive cooperation with the international community in the document states, "The country program of the ILO on decent work in Uzbekistan for 2014-2016", signed in April 2014.
"The program includes three strategic directions, in particular, strengthening social partnership, including a plan of action on the application of conventions on forced and child labor; encourage decent employment opportunities, including young people; development of an effective OSH management system, strengthening of social protection of the population", - the document informs.
It is emphasized that in Uzbekistan formed a reliable legal framework that protects children's rights in the workplace. Constitution prohibited any form of forced labor, which is the legal basis for the protection of citizens from exploitation, discrimination and coercion. Laws, adopted by the Labour Code, on employment, labor protection, compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, on social protection of disabled people, guaranteeing the rights of the child, combating human trafficing and others.
"During the years of independence, the country established a system of public institutions to prevent forced labor, including the worst forms of child labor, - stated in the material. - There is a special Commission for minors under the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, responsible for addressing virtually all matters relating to the situation of children in society, including control over the prevention of the worst forms of child labor.
At the same time, established the Coordination Council on Child Labour, which is composed of senior officials of the Council of Federation of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Chamber of Commerce, Board of farmers".
Further reports on the conduct of the International Labour Organization in the period from 11 September to 31 October 2013 monitoring to prevent the use of child labor.
"The monitoring was conducted on the basis of principles and practices of the ILO, and also included conducting trainings and seminars across the country, - stated in the information material. - An approach based on the principles of capacity building, open communication, problem solving and mutual respect demonstrated by the high level of preparation and cooperation during the monitoring period".
It is noted that the monitoring revealed the absence of the use of forced child labor in a systematic manner. Along with this, in the course of the study there was widespread awareness of all citizens on the national legislation and international conventions in the field of prevention of child labor.
IA "Jahon"
Protection of children’s interests and rights is a priority task
The Uzbekistan Trade Unions Federation jointly with the concerned ministries and agencies, under support from the International Labor Organization (ILO) at the republican and regional levels, a series of round table meetings were held dedicated to the International Day of Fighting against the Use of Child Labor.
It was noted at the said events that the matters related to securing the children’s rights, protection of health and giving them high quality education have become the priority directions of the government policy since the first days independence in Uzbekistan. For instance, legal frameworks have been created for the national education system aimed at radically reforming the education sphere, establishment and development of the national system of personnel training at the level of developed countries.
In 1992, Uzbekistan ratified the ILO Rights of Children Convention which is one of the first officially adopted international documents. The country has adopted the Guarantees of Child’s Rights. In all documents related to the child’s interests, the issues of securing the children’s rights have been set at the level of international standards.
The national model “A healthy mother means a healthy child” allowed to surround the fair part of the mankind and the rising generations with special care. Under its framework of implementation, the State Program of further strengthening the population’s reproductive health, protection of mothers’, children’s and teen-agers health in Uzbekistan for the period of 2014-2018 has been approved. Thanks to this, the women of fertile age, children and teen-agers have been totally covered, birth of children with congenital defects has been prevented.
In 2014 alone, 6.5 million preschoolers and school pupils, students of vocational colleges and lyceums were subjected to comprehensive medical examination which allows to detect disease at early stages and to successfully prevent them.
Uzbekistan conducts also free vaccination of all children at the age of two years which allowed to entirely eliminate such diseases as diphtheria, poliomyelitis and tetanus.
Today, 92 percent of the country’s children meet the standards of the World Health Organization in terms of development parameters. The rating of countries made up by the International Organization “Save the children” showed that Uzbekistan holds the 9th position among the 161 countries where the health of the rising generation is best taken care of.
At the same time, the country closely focuses on giving the young generation high-quality education. For instance, education expenditures annually allocated from the public budget constitute between 10 and 12% of the GDP. About 60% of the total annual budget of the country is channeled to the support of the social sphere of which half to education.
It is worth to note that based on the passed “Education” and “The National Personnel Training Program” laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the unified continuous education system has been introduced in the country. The general secondary education and secondary special, vocational education with the total period education of 12 years is mandatory and free of charge.
The fundamental feature of the model implemented in the country consists in the fact that the after 9 years of education in the general education school, the pupils continue the next 3 years in specialized vocational colleges and academic lyceums each, along with study of general education disciplines, receive vocational training in 2-3 professions demanded in the labor market.
Beside this, there is a system of additional education introduced which includes musical and sports schools, schools of arts, “Perfect Generation” Centers, study groups of various aspects. They ensure that children are purposefully and usefully occupied during their leisure time.
In general, during the period of independent development, around 9,500 schools, 1,500 lyceums and colleges have been built and rebuilt which have been also provided with all the required modern equipment and text-books.
In 2015, 353 general education schools are constructed, rebuilt and overhauled as well as 147 vocational colleges and academic lyceums are overhauled totally to the sum of UZS 400 bn. Until 2020, it is planned to construct, rebuild and overhaul 500 general education schools of which 101 will be newly built schools as well as 810 vocational colleges and academic lyceums will be overhauled.
According to the results of the survey of development of human assets conducted in 2012 by the World Intellectual Property Organization and one of the largest international business-schools INSEAD, Uzbekistan was the 5th on the planet in terms of the level of development of the education system.
According to Article 77, the Labor Code, Republic of Uzbekistan, recruitment is allowed as from the age of sixteen. Under the “Education Law” of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a system has been established for education that specifies 12-year education for all children which precludes existence of underage children in the labor market.
It has to be noted that in 2008 Uzbekistan ratified Convention 182 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on prohibition of urgent actions to eliminate the worst forms of child labor and ILO Convention 138 on the minimal age for employment which is successfully implemented in practice. In order to enhance the liability of business entities and individuals for breaches in the requirements of inadmissibility of use of underage children’s labor, as well as for a breach in the labor code in respect of persons who are below 18 years old, in 2009 году, the Law re: “Amending the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on administrative liability due to improvement of the laws regarding protection of the rights of the underage children”.
In accordance with this, said Code has been supplemented with new regulations that set up stricter liability for officers and other persons for e breach in the laws of labor and safety of underage youth, for use of underage youth labor in work that may cause harm their health, put at risk their safety or morals as well as for administratively forcing underage youth to work.
In accordance with Article 241, the labor Code, Republic of Uzbekistan, it is forbidden to sue the labor of youth below eighteen years old in work with unfavorable working conditions, underground and other work that may harm the health, put at risk their safety or morals of this category of laborers. It is not allowed for persons below eighteen years old to lift and mover loads exceeding the eight limits established.
Taking adequate steps to effectively implement the ILO conventions is the important topic of collective agreements between employers and Trade Unions. The general agreement between the country’s Government, the Trade Unions Federation and the Chamber of Trade and Industry on socio-economic issues for 2014-2016 contains direct prescription on commitment of the parties to faithfully abide by the ILO conventions. Similar commitments have been included in the collective compacts at the sector, territorial and local levels. For instance, almost all collective agreements contain regulatory provisions on compliance with the minimal age for employment and on prevention of the worst forms of use of child labor.
The system-based activities carried out in this respect ensure prevention of use of child labor. In order to enhance the said activities under the guidance of the Uzbekistan Trade Unions Federation, a Coordination Board has been created for child labor issues. It is a standing public authority consisting of representatives of concerned ministries and agencies, Trade Unions, employers’ association, other public society institutions.
The main objective of the Coordination Board is to coordinate activities and to unite the efforts of government bodies and public society institutes aiming at implementation of the national policy of elimination of the worst forms of use of child labor and improvement of activities in this sphere.
Due to development of agriculture and private farming as well as of small businesses and self-employed entrepreneurship, the activities related to prevention of use child labor in the said spheres are growing. For instance, activities are carried on to build up the potentials of employers, farmers, staff members of ministries and agencies, hokims of cities and districts, heads of education institutions, chairpersons of territorial committees of women and rural citizens. At the initiative of the Trade Unions Federation, lessons dedicated to study of national and international labor standards, including ILO Conventions with a special focus on the Child and Forced Labor Conventions have been included in all the courses of improvement of skills of administrative officers. Specific attention is paid to information/entertainment activities: special booklets, methodology guide-books are published, parents’ meetings are held which serve to enhance the awareness of both parents and their children.
In the process of its work, the Coordination Board specifically focus on monitoring prevention of use of child labor in various sectors of the economy. For example, cotton fields are monitored in autumn period, business at other times. Beside this, the Coordination Board holds its monthly meetings to address coordination and further improvement of activities in these directions.
Round table meetings at the republican level and in 14 regions of the country were conducted under the slogan: “No to child labor, yes to high-quality education!”.
UNO was informed on the activities of trade unions of
Uzbekistan in the sphere of protection of labor rights
Information on the international conference "The
role of trade unions in ensuring citizens' rights to decent working conditions:
the experience of Uzbekistan" held in Tashkent on 22-23 April this year,
and its outcome was distributed in the United Nations Headquarters in New York,
among the 193 member countries.
The community of nations has received detailed
information about the basic rights of workers enshrined in the Constitution and
laws of our country, fully derived from international standards in this area,
special privileges and guarantees to ensure the employment of youth and women,
the creation of decent working conditions for employees, providing additional
leave for women child care, various surcharges associated with motherhood, and
other measures taken in Uzbekistan social support.
The article also states that implemented in Uzbekistan
under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, a strong social policy is an
important factor in the creation of decent working conditions for citizens and
the development of social protection systems, provide the results measures
taken by the trade unions for the protection of the socio-economic interests
and labor rights workers and their families.
"The country has a general agreement between the
Government of Uzbekistan, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions and the
Chamber of Commerce on socio-economic issues in the years 2014-2016. The
document provides for the implementation of measures to ensure the creation of
decent working conditions for different categories of workers. On the basis of
the Agreement in the country operate 90 branch and 14 regional agreements,
directly to enterprises, organizations and institutions - more than 100
thousand collective agreements. All collective bargaining acts specified items
such as the promotion of formal employment, decent wages, security and safety,
legal and social protection of workers, benefits for women and young people,
respect for ILO Conventions and other", - the document reports.
It is also noted that the conference representatives
of international organizations, foreign trade union centers and international
experts praised the experience of Uzbekistan to guarantee citizens' rights to
decent working conditions. In particular, it was emphasized that the country
achieved high results in the expansion of employment opportunities and income
generation, improvement of social protection and strengthening social dialogue.
In particular, the fundamental rights of workers
enshrined in the Constitution and laws of the republic, fully consistent with
international labor standards, and in many areas even surpass them, noted
participants in the forum. In particular, there are specific benefits and
guarantees in providing employment, creating the necessary conditions for
"In recent years, about 60% of the cost of the
State budget are directed to social sphere, - reported in the material. - To
carry out large-scale measures to improve the level and quality of life,
provide workers decent pay and safe working conditions. Much has been done in
such areas as the improvement of labor law and pension system, labor market
The following provides information about programs in
our country, the measures to establish social security system
trudyaschihsya.Soobschaetsya that the country's state social insurance applies
to all employees. Includes cash payments or services for sickness, maternity
and old-age pension, disability and survivor benefits. Measures are being taken
to stimulate the demand for labor, the creation of stable jobs.
Effectively develop small business, farming, domestic
work, handicraft, services and service driven livestock production in private
farms, the establishment of agricultural companies in rural areas. This
eliminates all barriers to the development of private enterprise, reduced
government presence in the economy and other areas. All this contributes to an
increase in the scope of employment, there is no sharp stratification of the
population by income level.
The opinions of the conference participants were cited
about that constructive social dialogue between the government, unions and
employers serves to strengthen social protection of workers. "The country
has accumulated rich experience in the implementation of public control in the
sphere of labor, trade unions are given broad powers to ensure that the rights
of workers to decent working conditions", - the document informs.
As reported by the document, Uzbekistan besides
international conferences are regularly held "round tables",
seminars, briefings on the social protection of the population and the
introduction of legislation in the country's standards to ensure decent work.
They are representatives of international organizations and trade union
activists from foreign countries to exchange views and experiences in this
Thus, today the experience and success of our country
in the field of labor rights are recognized and widely studied by the
international community. International Conference "The role of trade
unions in ensuring citizens' rights to decent working conditions: the
experience of Uzbekistan", information about which is common among UN
member states, has become a kind of presentation of the achievements of our
country in this sphere.
IA "Jahon", New York
Uzbekistan's experience in the field of labor rights
protection - in the focus of world attention
International Conference "The role of trade
unions in ensuring citizens' rights to decent working conditions: the
experience of Uzbekistan" held in Tashkent on 22-23 April this year,
aroused great interest among the public, political and expert circles of foreign
countries, and received wide coverage in the local and foreign media.
A high level of expertise activities due authority of
its participants - members of both chambers of the Oliy Majlis, representatives
of state and public organizations, as well as the delegation of the
International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Trade Union
Confederation, heads of international organizations accredited in Uzbekistan,
international experts from Germany, Denmark, Georgia, China, Kazakhstan,
Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, France, allowed to discuss the relevance for all
states and societies subject. In addition, the conference provided an
opportunity to more clearly and effectively inform the world community with the
experience of Uzbekistan in the field of protection of the rights of citizens
to decent working conditions.
As a result - a wide resonance and international
interest in the "Uzbek model" of development, efficiency and
effectiveness of one of its fundamental principles - "conducting a strong
social policy."
Thus, information about the international conference
and its outcome was distributed in the United Nations Headquarters in New York,
among the 193 member countries. The community of nations has received detailed
information about the basic rights of workers enshrined in the Constitution and
laws of our country, fully derived from international standards in this area,
special privileges and guarantees to ensure the employment of youth and women,
the creation of decent working conditions for employees, providing additional
leave for women child care, various surcharges associated with motherhood, and
other measures taken in Uzbekistan social support.
At the same time, the materials on the results of the
conference were distributed to the 57 member countries, 11 co-operation
partners of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the
institutions and the OSCE field missions, as well as the Executive Committee of
the Commonwealth of Independent States and countries of the CIS.
The media of foreign countries is also observed great
interest and attention to the topic of the international forum in Tashkent.
Thus, the Latvian news portal Baltic News Service
(BNS) published an article about the conference. It is noted that the
participants were provided with detailed information about the opportunities
provided by trade unions of Uzbekistan to carry out their functions to
guarantee workers' rights to decent working conditions.
BNS informed that due to the ongoing in our country a
strong social policy, effective mechanisms of social protection of labor rights
and interests of workers and their families.
"The country has a general agreement between the
Government of Uzbekistan, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions and the
Chamber of Commerce on socio-economic issues in the years 2014-2016 - said the
Latvian news portal. - The document provides for the implementation of measures
to ensure the creation of decent working conditions for different categories of
workers. On the basis of the Agreement in the country operate 90 branch and 14
regional agreements, directly to enterprises, organizations and institutions -
more than 100 thousand collective agreements. All collective bargaining acts
specified elements of decent work such as the promotion of formal employment,
decent wages, security and safety, legal and social protection of workers,
benefits for women and young people, respect for ILO Conventions and other
Indian information-analytical portal Sarkaritel and
Diplomacy India lead opinions and assessments of foreign representatives of the
expert community settled in Uzbekistan constructive social dialogue between the
government, unions and employers, which serves to strengthen the social
protection of workers. Media noted that our country has accumulated rich
experience in the implementation of public control in the sphere of labor,
trade unions are given broad powers to ensure that the rights of workers to
decent working conditions and their results.
Informing about the results of the conference,
Sarkaritel transfers:
"Representatives of international organizations,
trade union centers and foreign experts praised the experience of Uzbekistan to
guarantee citizens' rights to decent working conditions. In particular, it was
stressed that the country has achieved good results in the expansion of
employment opportunities and income generation, improvement of social
protection and strengthening social dialogue.
It stresses that labor legislation of Uzbekistan fully
comply with international labor standards, and a number of indicators even
ahead of them. To fully ensure the labor rights of citizens and the right to a
decent wage. The enterprises, organizations and institutions on the basis of
collective agreements, to be signed between the trade union committees and
employers, work is carried out to promote employment, the creation of
comfortable and safe working conditions for organized new jobs and ensure the
rights of workers to decent working conditions, the provision of additional
benefits and guarantees , retraining of personnel".
Press conference at the Ministry of Labour and Social
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the
Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a press conference dedicated to the priority
areas of the agency. It was attended by heads and senior officials of the
Ministry and representatives of the national media.
At the event, it noted that the priority of the
Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the current 2015 is the
implementation of the tasks set in the State Program "Year of attention
and care for the older generation".
In particular, within the framework of this program,
on April 1, 2015 more than 17,5 thousand single elderly,
pensioners and disabled persons who have expressed a desire to use social
services, services provided by social workers.
All single pensioners and the disabled at the expense
of charities provided financial assistance amounting to more than 1 billion
soums. They also underwent medical examinations, the results of which need to
get treatment in the outpatient, inpatient, as well as at home.
According to the organizers, for the first quarter of
this year, the disabled need free of charge provided with technical means of
rehabilitation, including 642 disabled provided with wheelchairs, 272 people -
hearing aids, 117 - crutches and 389 disabled - canes.
In addition, 615 veterans of war and labor front are
provided with vouchers for recuperation. 8670 elderly and disabled received spa
vouchers to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of
IA "Jahon"
"Together we will raise culture of prevention in
occupation safety to the high level"
Council of the Federation of Trade Unions conducted a
"round table" on the theme "Together will raise the high level
of culture of prevention in the field of occupational safety and health",
reports the press service of the Council.
The event was attended by deputies of the Legislative
Chamber of Oliy Majlis, representatives of ministries and departments
concerned, Employers, partner organizations, as well as a number of
international organizations accredited in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the
It was noted that in our country every year enhanced
attention to the protection of employees, providing them with safe and decent
working conditions. The importance given to improving safety culture,
prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, the development of social
partnership in solving these issues.
Health, in particular the prevention of occupational
accidents and diseases is one of the priorities of the Federation of Trade
Unions. On this basis, in the meantime we carried out systematic work to
improve the quality and efficiency of work in this direction.
As a result, the primary trade union organizations,
along with the creation of decent working conditions for employees, achieved
significant results to respect hygienic rules in staff, the prevention of
industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
During the "round table", it was emphasized
that strengthening labor protection special place occupies the cooperation of
trade unions, employers, government and non-profit organizations. It is also
noted that due to the improvement of the legal framework in the field of
occupation safety, it is possible to solve many problems in this area, based on
social partnership.
At the same time, issues of raising a high level of
culture of prevention in this area. Particular attention is paid to further
improve measures to protect workers, improve their efficiency and
effectiveness. The participants shared their national and international
experience in this field.
In the event, rewarding the winners of the Republican
contest "the best organization of social control of labor
protection", which contributes to improving the effectiveness of social
control is an important factor in strengthening employers' attention to the
prevention of work-related injuries and occupational diseases.
As a result of the "round table" organized
an exhibition of special clothing and personal protective equipment, which
serve as effective enforcement of labor protection.
IA "Jahon"
Priorities in the field of labour and social security
In a joint project of the Ministry of Labour and
Social Welfare and United Nations Development Programme "Professional
social services for persons with disabilities, and the elderly in
Uzbekistan" conducted a functional analysis of the Ministry, according to
the press service of the Ministry.
Functional analysis is one of the main methodological
approaches in the evaluation of public administration. Its conduct reveals the
function of such indicators as legislated and implemented, are fixed, but not
implemented, are not fixed, but are executed, "missing" features.
The analysis also provides the basis for decisions on
improving the quality of public services, eliminating duplicate and redundant
functions and contributes to the effectiveness of public servants.
In order to study the work in the field of labor law
and social protection of the population in the leading European countries in a
joint project for the functional analysis department invited expert Nenad Rava.
During the activity of its services used by the governments of several European
countries. On the basis of investigations Nenad Rava will make proposals to
modernize and reform the activities of the Ministry with the resources
Also, in order to discuss the strategic priorities in
the field of labor and social protection with the concerned government and
non-governmental organizations held a workshop on the theme "System
priorities in employment and social protection".
It was attended by representatives of ministries and
agencies, extra-budgetary Pension Fund, "Nuroniy" and other
The expert presented the presentations on the essence
of his work and the description of the methodology of functional analysis.
IA "Jahon"
Uzbekistan's experience in demand by international
Steady advancement of Uzbekistan on the path of
democratization and liberalization of society and the economy, progress in
creating a high quality of living conditions for its citizens and improving
their well-being are highly appreciated in the world. This is evidenced by the
ratings of numerous international institutions and research organizations, in
accordance with which our country goes out to all the higher positions, which
evoke a sense of pride and belonging.
Today, Uzbekistan - dynamically developing state and a
full member of the world community, which plays an important role in the system
of international relations. His wide-ranging experience in implementing
democratic and socioeconomic reforms is growing interest in the international
community as a successful model of steady progress, experts and political
scientists studied in many countries.
This is largely due to the active cooperation of
Uzbekistan in the framework of international and regional organizations that are
considering our country as an important and time-tested reliable partner in
addressing pressing issues on the international agenda.
Along with this, the authoritative international
organizations are showing increased interest in the political and economic
processes taking place in our country, its successes in sequential reforming
the state and the society, ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of
citizens, improving their well-being.
In recent years, modern development and achievements
of Uzbekistan is increasingly regarded with great interest and are discussed in
the framework of multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Commonwealth of
Independent States and other organizations.
For example, in the UN headquarters in New York on a
regular basis as official documents of the General Assembly adopted the
information on the results of large-scale reforms in our country. These
documents reveal the results achieved in areas such as maintenance of high
rates of economic growth, improving the welfare of the population, reform of
the judicial system, education and health, the environment, youth policy, food
safety, building and strengthening of civil society and NGOs.
Successful experience in the modernization of the
state and society in Uzbekistan is also the subject of increased attention of
international institutions within the framework of the UN. Among them - the United
Nations Office at Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the
International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Trade Organization (WTO),
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations HIV / AIDS, the
Inter-Parliamentary Union and others.
Since the beginning of 2015 among the member countries
of the United Nations as official documents of the 69th session of the UN
General Assembly were distributed informational materials about the development
of civil society in Uzbekistan, about the experience of our country in
improving the institutional framework of the activities of NGOs, as well as on
the results of socio-economic development of Uzbekistan in 2014 and key
priorities of economic program for 2015.
In addition, these materials have been distributed to
57 participating countries, 11 cooperation partners of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe, the institutions and the OSCE field
missions, as well as the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent
States and the countries of the CIS.
The growing attention and interest of the international
community is manifested in a variety of activities - briefings, presentations
and meetings, which are held in the UN headquarters in New York and Geneva, the
OSCE in Vienna and the CIS in Minsk. This is evidenced by the numerous
responses of leaders and representatives of competent intergovernmental bodies,
positively assesses the achievements of our country in the field of human
rights and interests, the process of democratization of state power and
control, liberalization, modernization and diversification of the economy.
In particular, the Deputy Executive Secretary of the
UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Andrey Vasilyev stressed that ECE
attaches great importance to cooperation with Uzbekistan. "Uzbekistan - is
a key country in the Central Asian region, with a dynamic and diversified
economy, - he said. - I have more than ten years regularly visit the republic
and each time I witness how it is developing intensively. Much attention is
paid to supporting small business and private entrepreneurship, service sector,
infrastructure development, not only in the capital, but also in remote
regions. Uzbekistan is an important partner for the ECE environmental, housing
development, innovation development, entrepreneurship and other areas We also
actively cooperate in the field of housing and land, and we are very
interesting and necessary experience of Uzbekistan in this matter. We hope that
cooperation in these areas will continue successfully. "
According to the OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier,
the Republic of Uzbekistan is an important member of this organization.
According to his confession, our country plays a significant role in promoting
peace, security and friendship on a global scale, makes a contribution to the
activities of the OSCE.
In turn, the WHO Regional Director for Europe
Zsuzsanna Jakab notes that against the background of global and regional
financial crises in Uzbekistan has been significant progress in ensuring
long-term sustainable development.
It appreciated the efforts made by the country to
improve the health and education systems, which play an important role in the
formation of harmoniously developed young generation. In particular, according
to J.Yakab, Uzbekistan has made good progress in reducing maternal and child
mortality, ensuring gender balance, improving the quality of education. Thus,
the republic has made a contribution to the achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals.
Deputy Director of the Regional Office for Europe,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Sylvie Motard the high level of
cooperation with our country in the field of ecology and promote issues such as
the "green economy", protecting the environment and biodiversity.
However, she stressed that UNEP adequately appreciate not only bilateral
relations, but also a significant contribution of Uzbekistan in regional
platforms such as the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) and the
Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD).
"I am aware of the upcoming presidential
elections in Uzbekistan, which will be held on March 29 of this year, - she
said. - This is a very important historical moment in the life of the state.
The fact that four candidates are presented as candidates for the top job, says
that policy reforms that are being implemented in the country. We, as part of
the UN system, very pleased with this circumstance. Taking this opportunity, I
want to wish success of upcoming elections".
Head of the Department of International Relations
Inter-Parliamentary Union Anda Filip appreciates the active participation of
Uzbek women in public life, particularly in the parliamentary activities. In
this regard, it also welcomes the implementation of reforms in the country to
improve the institute of parliamentarism, expanding and strengthening the
powers of the legislature, as well as ensuring parliamentary control over the
activities of state bodies. At the same time, as an important factor in
achieving sustained progress and Uzbekistan A.Filip notes prevailing in our
country an atmosphere of peace, harmony and tolerance between people of
different nations and nationalities who are working together for the benefit of
their common homeland.
Like a lot of attention and positive evaluation of the
international community once again confirm the correctness and effectiveness of
deep thoughtfulness elected leadership of the development of Uzbekistan,
indicate a wide recognition in the world successes of our country, the full
support of its domestic and foreign policies.
IA "Jahon"
ILO: Uzbekistan is adequately cooperating with us
According to the Council of Federation of Trade Unions
of Uzbekistan, the Special Adviser to the Director General of the International
Labour Organization (ILO) Kari Tapiola paid a visit to Tashkent.
The main objective of the next working visit K.
Tapiola - to inform the social partners of Uzbekistan as the preliminary
results of the discussion of the report on the monitoring of child labor in
2014 in the Committee of Experts of the ILO, and that completed all preparatory
procedures necessary for the start of the Implementation Plan for Decent labor
in Uzbekistan.
During the visit, K. Tapiola, met with the head of the
Coordination Council on Child Labour, Chairman of the Federation Council of
Trade Unions T.Narbaeva, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Uzbekistan
A.Abduhakimov and his first deputy B.Alimuhamedov, chairman of the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry A.Shayhov, and also visited the Tashkent office of the
During the meeting, he informed that the Committee of
Experts praised the commitment of the republic to develop cooperation with the
ILO on forced labor and child labor. In particular, in a positive way, it was
noted the signing of the Country Programme on Decent Work in the 2014-2016
years, the adoption of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan
"On additional measures for implementation in the years 2014-2016 ILO
conventions ratified by Uzbekistan" conducted with the assistance of ILO
experts national monitoring children labor during the cotton campaign of 2014,
which confirmed the absence of problems with its systematic use.
Speaking of concrete actions for the development of
cooperation between the ILO and Uzbekistan K. Tapiola top priority called
country programs for decent work. "The most important thing - for country
programs not only isolated, but transferred to the account of the ILO, - he
stressed. - Now it's time to start active implementation of approved measures.
Important among these is the study of the conditions
of employment and work in agriculture, the progress and results of which are
also interested in the Committee of Experts and the ILO. According to the
results of the study in August it plans to hold a "round table" for
national and foreign experts.
The meeting was also voiced the position of the ILO on
the advisability of closer cooperation with the International Federation of
Trade Unions Confederation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce with the
International Organization of Employers.
Note the International Labour Organization (ILO) is a
specialized UN agencies dedicated to the promotion of social justice, human
rights and international law in the field of labor.
Uzbekistan since joining the ILO in 1992 to date has
ratified 13 conventions of the international organization. In our country, we
carried out extensive work to their consistent implementation and further
improvement of labor law.
IA "Jahon"
Occupational safety and health
Tashkent hosted a training seminar "Occupational
safety and health". It was initiated by the Council of Federation of Trade
Unions, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, International Labour
Organization (ILO).
The event was made by the ILO Viking Husberg and Harry
Talliga. Harry Talliga noted that in Uzbekistan, purposeful work on employment
and decent working conditions, compliance with safety regulations. The national
legislation provides benefits and guarantees in excess of international standards.
Foreign experts also noted the systematic work of
trade unions to strengthen the prevention of work-related injuries and
occupational diseases. They appreciated the introduction of a system of public
control over the safety of working conditions and employers' responsibility in
this regard.
The seminar-training farms a presentation to leaders
handbook "Safety in farms" and for parents published "Give your
children a happy and healthy childhood".
On the progress of the National Child Labour
Monitoring in cotton
According to the Coordination Council on Child Labour,
on 18 September in the country with the expert assistance of the International
Labour Organisation to conduct national monitoring of child labor in the cotton
Currently, various regions of the country there are 8
regional monitoring teams, consisting of representatives of the Federation of
Trade Unions, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Chamber of
For the first time in the monitoring process involved
representatives of regional samoinitsiativnyh NGOs such as the Association of
Teachers 'Murabba' Association on reproductive health, social support for
adolescents Center "Lobar" Information and Educational Center of
Youth "Istiqbolli avlod" and others.
Monitoring is conducted on the methodology and the use
of the software the International Labour Organization. On-site is based on a
randomized sample areas, the results of visits by field coordinators provide
daily operational information. Volunteers fr om among university students
produce a weekly application of encoded information into the database. On
October 15 of this year, experts fr om regional monitoring groups completed a
total of about 30 thousand km, visited 124 rural districts. During the visits
carried out 548 site visits of potential risks, including 247 visits to the
professional colleges and academic lyceums and 301 visit farms.
According to the regional monitoring teams, the
average percentage of attendance of students of academic lyceums and
professional colleges in the sel ected segment is 89%.
For students in schools, academic lyceums and
professional colleges for the entire period the cotton harvest is organized
work of sports sections, circles deeper study of academic disciplines, foreign
languages, functioning societies in applied arts, crafts, science.
All educational institutions are posted ads on the
inadmissibility of attracting students to pick cotton under the age of 18
Throughout the heads of educational institutions to
issue a warning prosecutors and khokimiyats of their personal responsibility
for compliance with the legislation against child labor. There is a written
commitment of parents that their children will not be involved in the cotton
On separate occasions revealed the presence of
children in the cotton fields of regional groups monitoring drawn up removal of
children, and with the help of labor inspections instituted the case on
administrative responsibility.
The data obtained fr om the territorial monitoring
groups also suggest that head of the farm to create appropriate conditions for
work and leisure cotton pickers. On the field is delivered hot meals and clean
drinking water. Regularly conducted payment for the harvested cotton.
The International Labour Organization and provides
significant advice and expertise in the national monitoring. To date, with a
mission to assist in the monitoring of Andijan, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Syrdarya,
Tashkent and Ferghana regions of Uzbekistan visited the ILO A.Hauzen,
E.Betullaev, H.Talliga, V.Husberg, S.Glovatskas, which confirmed a high level
of organization of work on the monitoring system and the lack of involvement of
minors in the cotton harvest.
Interest in the national monitoring has shown, and the
International Trade Union Confederation, whose representative A.Leppik October
8 visited schools secondary vocational education Syrdarya region, wh ere he got
acquainted with the educational process, has ascertained the high attendance of
pupils, the absence of coercion for the cotton harvest.
In addition, representatives of the World Bank in
September-October this year to visit the area of observation of Samarkand,
Bukhara regions and areas of the Fergana Valley, wh ere Bank projects are being
According to Acting The heads of the World Bank in
Uzbekistan N.Nakvi their representatives visited the field and did not see
child labor. They made sure that everything goes in the same vein, as noted in
the report of the ILO mission in 2013. All visited farms had contracts with
cotton pickers and copies of passports. The youngest collector was 19 years
old. It is clear that the work was carried out by the Government and its
results were visible. Thus, representatives of the World Bank also have not
seen evidence of systemic involvement of children in cotton harvesting, which,
in their opinion, the related statements of the ILO over the past year.
Secretariat of the Coordination Council on Child
Labour in Uzbekistan
IA "Jahon"
"Fundamental principles and rights at work"
Samarkand regional association of trade unions held a regional seminar on
"The fundamental principles and rights at work". The organizers of
the seminar were the Council of Federation of Trade Unions, the International
Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Trade Union Confederation
(ITUC), the website http://kasaba.uz/ru/.
It was
attended by Senior Consultant INC Anton Leppik, the ILO experts Sergejus
Glovackas, Harry Talliga.
event was marked by systematic work to ensure the implementation of the ILO
conventions on child labor, the role and place of trade unions in this process.
The representative of the ITUC and the ILO gave presentations on the themes of
"Internationally recognized trade union rights", "ILO
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its
Follow-up", "Social dialogue". In accordance with the program of
the seminar under the ILO expert moderatorstva Sergejus Glovackas discussions
were held with the exchange of views.
- The
activity of the participants in the debate suggests that it disposes sufficient
knowledge and information about the ILO conventions ratified by the Republic of
Uzbekistan, - says a senior consultant INC Anton Leppik. - The subject by the
systematic work and its results deserve recognition.
the seminar, representatives of the ITUC and the ILO visited the enterprise
"Samavto" in Samarkand. The guests highly appreciated the work on the
protection of workers, in particular, the creation of the necessary conditions
for work and leisure, ensuring full protective clothing and personal protective
equipment, additional benefits and guarantees to ensure that workers'
interests, reflected in the collective agreement between the trade union and
the employer.
Consultant INC Anton Leppik got acquainted with the ongoing national monitoring
of child labor in the cotton industry in the Syrdarya region. In particular, he
visited the cotton fields and Havas Transport College, Academic Lyceum Yangiyer
city. During the visit, representatives of the ITUC witnessed to create
conditions for full-fledged student learning, particularly learning using the
most modern technologies, high level of expertise in specialized subjects and
foreign languages, the lack of involvement of students for the cotton harvest,
to ensure their full enrollment.
International Labour Organization supports our republic: a Memorandum of
Understanding signed
to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent hosted the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between
the Republic of Uzbekistan and the International Labour Organization (ILO),
with annexed program on decent work in the Republic of Uzbekistan for
signatories of the document from the Uzbek side were the leaders of the
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Federation Council of Trade Unions
and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from the ILO side - the head of the
ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
the Memorandum and Programme a cooperation between Uzbekistan and the ILO
envisaged in such priority areas as:
Strengthening social partnership in Uzbekistan to implement the fundamental
principles and rights at work;
Expansion of opportunities for decent employment;
Improving working conditions and social protection.
At the event, he noted that the signing of the
Memorandum, which became the result of a constructive dialogue, consultations
and meetings, will further enhance the mutual understanding between Uzbekistan
and the ILO. Namely promotion of international labor standards, the promotion
of employment through the implementation of active labor market policies, the
development of entrepreneurship, strengthen labor protection and extend
coverage of social protection.
UNDP Resident Representative and Head of the EU
delegation in Uzbekistan expressed willingness to contribute to activities of
Uzbekistan and the ILO, which will focus on the practical implementation of the
program on decent work in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2014-2016.
IA "Jahon"
ILO Special Adviser - Uzbekistan fully meets all
international legal acts
As previously reported, Tashkent hosted an
international conference "Ensuring labor rights: the experience of
Uzbekistan and international labor standards".
It was attended by members of the Senate and the
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, representatives of ministries and
departments, international and public organizations of our country, foreign
Addressing the meeting shared their views and vision
of the situation on the protection of labor rights.
Special Adviser to the Director General of the
International Labour Organization Kari Tapiola:
- Uzbekistan has done significant work to ensure the
labor rights of citizens. A solid national legislative framework and to respect
fully international legal acts. The scaling up of social partnership is crucial
General Agreement between the Government of the country, the Council of
Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan. We are
interested in further expansion of cooperation with Uzbekistan.
International expert Harri Taliga (Estonia):
- We are convinced that Uzbekistan created a national
legislative framework in the workplace is an important and reliable basis for
the consistent implementation of reforms aimed at ensuring employment. An
effective mechanism for employment of youth is being formed. Uzbekistan through
the consistent implementation of the requirements of the ILO Conventions it
manifests itself as a reliable partner and is working in this direction
concrete successes. It is worthy of special recognition.
Director of the International Department of the
Confederation of Trade Unions of Japan Hitochi Takizuma:
- Through participation in the international
conference, we learned about the experience of Uzbekistan in the field of labor
rights, shared their experience with Uzbek colleagues, we agreed to expand and
strengthen our cooperation.
The conference highlighted that formed in Uzbekistan
labor law, implemented measures to improve social and labor relations is fully
consistent with international standards and give good results, which could be
an example for others. In particular, fully guaranteed the right to work and
decent pay, there are specific benefits and guarantees for some categories of
workers, especially young people, to create decent working conditions for
women, they are provided with additional leave to care for a child.
The event has been extensively discussed good results
of the General Agreement concluded between the Government, the Council of
Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan. It
contributes to the further improvement of the nature and content of sectoral
and regional agreements as well as collective agreements in enterprises,
organizations and institutions. These documents provide for such matters as
employment of workers, including women and youth, in accordance with their
qualifications, creation of additional jobs for the socially vulnerable
citizens, the organization of retraining and advanced training of employees.
It was noted that the Federation of Trade Unions of
Uzbekistan taken systematic measures to enhance the protection of workers'
rights. The trade unions of the country assisted in the implementation of
government programs to create jobs, carry out public control in this field.
Conducted systematic work to involve the trade unions of enterprises and
organizations of non-state sector, including joint ventures, private,
family-owned businesses.
Conference participants appreciated the experience
gained in Uzbekistan to ensure the labor rights of citizens. In particular, it
was emphasized that in the context of the global financial and economic crisis
in our country achieved great success in stimulating demand for labor,
protection of jobs and the expansion of social protection, social dialogue and
protecting the rights of employees in the workplace.
There were also heard reports on issues such as labor
rights of citizens and how they provide on the basis of national legislation
and international standards, the activity of Trade Unions to ensure workers'
rights, the role of the International Labour Organization in the implementation
of international labor standards.
Having chosen the path of building a
democratic, secular, legal state, where the provision of human rights and
freedoms is the supreme goal, Uzbekistan is one of the first in the region to
ratify 13 ILO conventions, including on forced labor, discrimination in
employment, minimum age for admission to employment and immediate action for
the elimination of the worst forms of child labor and others.
In order to implement the provisions of these
conventions, amendments and supplements were made to national legislation aimed
at establishing legal guarantees for the children and adults labor and increase
the responsibility for its violation.
Legislation and regulations of the Republic of
Uzbekistan establish the minimum age for admission to employment, the list of
activities and work prohibited for children under the 18 years of age,
compulsory education for 12 years, banned forced labor and human trafficking.
In particular, Article 77 of the Labor Code
provides the minimum age for admission to employment - 16 years of age, in exceptional
cases, with the permission of parents or their substitutes shall be employed
from 15 years of age. In July 2009 the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
of Population and the Ministry of Healthcare issued a new edition of the “List
of hazardous types of work prohibited for persons under 18 years of age”.
According to this list it is forbidden to recruit persons under 18 years of age
prohibits in 34 production sectors, in particular, they are not allowed to take
1673 specific professions. More detail information on this list can be found at
There is a system of state institutions on
prohibition of forced labor, including the worst forms of child labor. The The
Special Commission on Affairs of Minors of the Cabinet of Ministers headed by
the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan is responsible for
addressing almost all matters related to the situation of children in society,
including control over elimination of the worst forms of child labor.
In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social
Protection of Population has effective legal inspections for labor protection,
supervising over preventing the violations of labor legislation.
The direct control over the observance of the
existing legislation is also carried out by the Institute of Ombudsman and its
offices in the regions, representatives of international organizations such as
ILO and UNICEF, and various NGOs involved in the protection of the rights of
children and youth.
However, it should be noted that any violation
against children and forced labor strictly punishable by the Uzbek legislation.
According to the Law of Uzbekistan "On
combating human trafficking" forced labor or services - referred to the
exploitation of people and are classified as human trafficking. In accordance
with Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan, trafficking is punishable
by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years; the same action committed under the
threat of coercion shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8
Over the past year and a half under this
Article there had been detected and investigated more than 1,600 criminal
cases. 1,100 persons brought to justice, more than 1,700 men and 700 women,
including 60 minors were acknowledged as victims.
In order to strengthen the control over the
implementation of the requirements of ILO conventions the Coordination Council
on Child Labour was established in the Republic of Uzbekistan that was headed
by high ranking officials of the Federation Council of Trade Unions, the
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Chamber of Commerce. It also
includes representatives of relevant ministries, agencies and public
The Coordination Council plays a crucial role
in the organization and monitoring of child labor in the cotton industry,
organized by Uzbekistan jointly with ILO.
Monitoring of child labor was conducted during
the period from the 11th of September to the 31st of October 2013 by ten
international experts together with 40 specialists from the Ministry of Labor
and Social Protection, Council of Federation of Trade Unions, the Chamber of
Commerce and the Council of Farmers of Uzbekistan. All experts previously taken
part in special training courses and seminars organized by the ILO experts in
accordance with international requirements and using the methodology of
International experts were hired by the ILO
itself, without the intervention of the Uzbek side and operated in accordance
with the mandate of the ILO and international law. The experts had a high
competence, with extensive experience and wide range of knowledge in the
implementation of international labor standards, forced labor, child labor,
trafficking, agriculture and labor inspection.
Monitoring had been carried out in schools,
farms and households (private houses) and mahallas. As a result, there were 806
site visits, 1592 documented interviews (ILO Guidelines form), and unhindered
access to the cotton fields, educational institutions and to all the other
places visited in unplanned and unagreed schedule. Detailed results of the
monitoring (printed and electronic) have been passed directly to the ILO
Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations
(CEACR) in November-December 2013 for consideration.
The monitoring revealed the absence of the use
of forced child labor in a systematic manner in the cotton harvest in 2013.
Cases of child labor occurred during the cotton harvest were very limited.
Appropriate measures to assist children, including their reintegration in the
educational institutions have been taken if child labor was revealed.
Perpetrators in bringing child labor were
brought to administrative responsibility.
International Organization of Employers (IOE)
welcomed the results of the joined monitoring of the ILO and the Uzbek side as
a visual demonstration of the commitment of the government and national social
partners of Uzbekistan to cooperate with the ILO to eradicate the practice of
child labor in the country.
It should also be noted that in 2012 the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Uzbekistan had monitored this matter as
well. By the letter of 26 October 2012, UNICEF Representative in Uzbekistan
confirmed that the 2012 were was no mass mobilization of pupils of secondary
schools in the cotton harvest.
In a constant manner there is a broad outreach
to all categories of workers (heads of organizations, teachers, farmers,
self-government bodies, women's and youth organizations) to prevent forced
labor, including the worst forms of child labor, as well publishing special
guidelines and booklets.
The Council of the Federation of Trade Unions
issued tens of thousands of copies of the guidelines “Uzbekistan ratified ILO
Conventions” and distributed among employers and self-governing bodies through
the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the “Mahalla”
Foundation. For these purposes, the Internet has been extensively used, to
which more than 10.2 million people, or one third of the total population have
access nowadays.
The social partnership mechanisms are applied
in implementing the ILO Conventions. There is the general agreement between the
Government, trade unions and employers in Uzbekistan, 86 sectorial agreements
and directly between enterprises and organizations - over 93 thousand
collective agreements.
The collective and contractual agreements cover
96% of all legal entities employing a labor of the trade unions’ members. All
collective agreements contain provisions on observance of labor rights,
including protection from forced labor in accordance with the ILO Convention
No. 105.
Annual reports on the measures that are
undertaken by the Republic of Uzbekistan on the prevention of forced labor and
the worst forms of child labor are timely submitted to the ILO. Information on
implementation of ILO Conventions is available on the webpages of the Embassies
of Uzbekistan abroad. Only the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belgium had sent this
type information to over 2,400 addressees.
The evidence of the commitment of Uzbekistan to
further develop and strengthen constructive cooperation with ILO on implementation
of Conventions on forced and child labor is the adoption in last April of a
Decent Work Country Programme for 2014-2016.
The program includes priorities, tasks and
indicators on three strategic areas:
1) Strengthening social partnership in
Uzbekistan to implement fundamental labor principles and rights at work,
including a national policy on the application of international labor
standards, an action plan on the application of the conventions on forced and
child labor, conditions of work in agriculture, including in the cotton-growing
2) Widening decent employment opportunities,
including implementation of active policies of providing full, productive and
freely chosen employment, including youth, the effective operation of labor
market institutions, the development of entrepreneurship through promotion of
self-employment and support for small enterprises;
3) Developing an effective management system of
occupational safety and health, conducting out collective bargaining and
tripartite consultations on wages, improvement of social protection.
To implement the Strategy, on 27 May 2014 the
Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution on “Additional measures
to implement ILO Conventions ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2014-2016”.
The document provides a number of important measures to prevent and eradicate
the worst forms of child labor and forced labor, carrying out legal reforms and
strengthening the national monitoring system using the ILO-IPEC methodology.
The government of Uzbekistan issued a written
(protocol) instructions to all the involved organizations, including hokims,
heads of educational institutions and other organizations, on the
inadmissibility of mass-involving (interrupting the study process) of children
under 18 years of age to the cotton harvest, as well as forced mobilization of
workers, without their voluntary consent, by applying harsh penalties in the
case of violations the relevant legislation.
From 18 September to 25 October 2014 the
national monitoring of child labor in the cotton industry was conducted in
accordance with the above mentioned Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers with
methodological and expert assistance from the ILO.
Before starting this monitoring, on 16-17
September 2014 Uzbekistan with the assistance of ILO experts (Anton Hausen,
E.Betullaeva, Harry Taliga, Anna Sokolova) have been conducted training for
members of the regional monitoring groups with participation of more than 60
For the first time representatives of regional
self initiative NGOs such as the Association of Teachers “Murabbiy”,
Association on reproductive health, Center for social support adolescents
"Lobar", Information and Educational Center of Youth "Istiqbolli
avlod" and others were involved in the monitoring process.
Taking into account the practical absence of
persons under 18 years of age in the cotton fields during the monitoring in
2013, upon the ILO’s suggestion, it was decided to raise the age of pickers to
be interviewed up to 20 years of age.
The ILO advice and expert assistance were
systematically provided during the monitoring process.
As a whole, from 18 September to 25 October
2014 the experts of the regional monitoring groups covered about 40,000 km,
visited 172 rural districts and cities of regional subordination, including 46
- in the course of repeated visits. 711 sites of potential risks were visited,
including 316 visits to the professional colleges and academic lyceums and 395
visits to farms. 745 documented interviews had been taken.
In total, 1916 applications have been filled by
experts in accordance with the ILO requirements.
All secondary specialized vocational education
institutions functioned during the season of the cotton harvest. The average
percentage of attendance of students of academic lyceums and professional
colleges made up 91%.
Throughout the monitoring period in the cotton
fields it was recorded the presence of 49 minors. 41 of them picked cotton and
8 children were present in the field with their parents.
In all these cases the perpetrators were
brought to justice. In particular, the leaders of 11 professional colleges in
five districts were brought to administrative responsibility for violations of
child labor and imposed the fine of more than 8.5 million Uzbek soms (about
$3,552.74). Eight heads of farms were brought to administrative responsibility
in the two regions and in respect of fines amounting to more than 3.2 mln. soms
(about $ 1,337.50).
All cotton in 2014 had been collected by
private producers - farmers (their number is 70 thousand farms and they employ
more than 1.4 million people), in accordance with the employment contracts
concluded in advance for 30-40 days. In addition, 1000 cotton harvesting
combines were used, whose number will be increased to 3000 in 2015 and 10000 -
in 2016-2017, which will allow the machinery to collect 85% of grown cotton. It
should be noted that in 2014 additional workers were recruited to attend in the
cotton harvest upon individual employment contracts.
According to Article 2 of the Forced Labour
Convention (№29), hiring workers on a voluntary basis to cotton works cannot be
considered as forced labour, as workers have the right to terminate their
employment at any time, if there is a situation of compulsion.
In order to protect citizens’ labour rights,
“hotlines” have been launched and operate under the Council of the Federation
of Trade Unions, regional councils of trade unions and territorial associations
of trade union organizations. 1994 citizens’ appeals were received in 2013 and
2048 in 2014, which were given legal advices. However no complaints related to
the use of forced labour and the worst forms of child labour in cotton works
have been filed. It should also be noted that in 2013-2014 there have not been
any claims to the courts on forcing by authorities to attend of business
organizations in the cotton works.
According to trade unions, in the vast majority
of farms of the country the necessary conditions for effective work and good
rest for cotton pickers have been created. In particular, hot meals were
provided under quality control by medical staff, diversity and calorie
purposes. In the fields there were containers with drinking water.
It should be noted that in addition to payment
from their permanent place of work, workers had been paid for harvested cotton.
Payment had been made in cash at least once in five days in the presence of
bank employees, while the advanced pickers were rewarded with valuable gifts on
weekly basis.
As far as the issue of forcing businesses to
provide funds to pay for food or cotton pickers, it should be noted that since
this year, such practice is prohibited by the law.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted
the Decree of 12 August 2014 on Regulations on the use by budgetary
organizations charitable donations from business entities.
The document stresses that the leadership of
governing bodies and regional authorities, as well as budgetary organizations
in accordance with legislation take responsibility for forcing business
entities to charity.
In this year it is planned to prepare
amendments to the legislation, which establish the administrative and criminal
responsibility for the forced involvement of businesses to charities and other
activities related to the funds diversion.
Some statements that the authorities force
pensioners, mothers and other citizens to participate in the cotton harvest
under threat of being deprived the social insurance support, on which they
depend, are also baseless. There is no any single fact of deprivation of women
and pensioners payments, social benefits for some reason.
It would be right to say that members of
farmers’ and workers’ families wish to get additional income, which is not
prohibited by current law. Moreover, in 2015 Uzbekistan declared “The Year of
Care for the Senior Generation” and adopted a State Program, which envisages a
complex of measures aimed at improving the health of elder people and to
improve the service provided for them. 2246,5 trillion Uzbek soums were allocated
for the implementation of the Program.
It should be noted that prior to independence
in 1990, the cotton held up to 90 percent of our country’s structure of
agricultural lands. Practically there was no crop rotation. The land dwindled,
was barbarously used for one purpose only - to grow cotton. The monopoly of
cotton and one-sided development of agriculture in the Soviet period led to the
fact that in Uzbekistan, which has fertile land and excellent climatic
conditions, the consumption of meat, dairy products, grains and even fruit and
vegetables and potatoes per capita used to be twice lower than in the other
republics of the former Soviet Union. In addition, the intensive cotton
production, the use of huge amounts of pesticides and chemicals has led an
environmental disaster of the Aral Sea and increased mortality, particularly
among children.
After independence as a result of measures
taken in the country, the acreage under cotton has been reduced twice and its
production - from 6 million tonnes to just over 3 million tons, and the
liberated areas given over to food crops.
The fundamental institutional reforms, the
essence of which was the total elimination of administrative planning and
distribution system (collective farms), the transition to market relations,
became the fundamental basis of the reform of agricultural production in our
Agricultural lands were transferred to the
newly created private farmers with allocation of lands to them on a rental
basis, providing necessary privileges and preferences by the Government. In
particular, farmers use the simplified tax system - are subject to only one
type of tax - a single tax on land. The lending rate for farmers is less than 5
Farms are provided with all kinds of services.
Currently, more than 1,5 thousand mini-banks provide services in rural areas,
there are almost 2 thousand machine and tractor parks, about 2,5 thousand
stations selling of fuel and mineral fertilizers, there are 1,5 thousand water
users' associations in rural areas, more than 350 consulting centers.
There is joint production of the most modern
tractors, grain and cotton harvesters in the country together with German
companies “Claas” and “Lemken”.
During 2010-2014 planting of new orchards on
the area of almost 50 thousand hectares was carried out, including more than 14
thousand hectares of intensive gardening with the use of drip irrigation, as
well as vineyards – on the area of 23 thousand hectares. Over 6 million
seedlings were delivered from Poland, Serbia and other European countries in
order to create intensive orchards.
The volume of agricultural production increased
overall by more than 2 times since independence, which, in spite of the growth
of the country's population of nearly 10 million people, or over 30 million,
allowed to increase in per capita consumption of meat – 1,3 times, milk and
milk products – 1,6 times, potatoes – 1,7 times, vegetables - more than 2
times, fruits - almost 4 times.
Currently, Uzbekistan annually produces about
16 million tons of fruit and vegetables.
Per capita production is provided by approximately 300 kilograms of
vegetables, 75 kg of potatoes and 44 kilos of grapes, which is about three
times higher than the optimal consumption rates.
In the first years of independence, more than 5
million tons of wheat had been delivered to the country, but in recent years
Uzbekistan produces more than 8 million tons. Today Uzbekistan is a fully
self-sufficient state in the issue of providing the population with consumer
goods and food products.
The ongoing food program allowed not only to
solve the key tasks of providing complete and balanced nutrition for the
population, but also to increase the export of fruits and vegetables by almost
5 times – from 1.6 billion USD in 1991 to 5 billion USD in 2014.
Simultaneously, the volume of cotton exports
reduced by twice from 1.13 million tons in 1991 to 580 thousand tons in 2014.
In 1991 the share of cotton-fiber in the total
exports of Uzbekistan (1.5 billion USD) was 59,7% percent. However, in 2014
this figure fell to 7.4% of the total exports of 13.5 billion USD, while
exports of fruits and vegetables increased to 11,9%.
Therefore, all those who spread biased
information that the export of cotton-fiber is the main source of foreign
currency for Uzbekistan do not know the real situation, or they it deliberately
in order to isolate Uzbekistan and inflict damage on sustainable and
independent development of the country, and also harm the process of
strengthening its relations with the countries of Europe.
Our forecasts suggest that in 2020 the
production of fruit and vegetables, grapes and melons would increase by at
least 2,3 times in comparison with the outcomes of 2014.
Needless to say that relying on such prospects
for the production of fruit and vegetables and grapes, it is necessary, first
of all, to continue and deepen a large-scale work on the reform and
modernization of agriculture, improvement of land reclamation and irrigation,
increasing fertility and soil productivity. The program of measures for
irrigated land reclamation for 2013-2017 envisages that within five years 1,4 million hectares
of irrigated land will be ameliorated and crop yields will be increased.
Recently the Program of agricultural
development for 2015-2019 years has been elaborated. It provides for a further
phased optimization of the cotton field by reducing low-yield land, with
subsequent placement on the released land fruits, potatoes and other crops, as
well as the organization of intensive gardens.
The Program of measures on structural reforms,
modernization and diversification of production in 2015-2019 envisages
implementation of 391 investment projects in the food industry, construction of
more than 2 thousand modern storage facilities with capacity of preserving not
less than 1.3 million tons of fruit and vegetables, thus bringing the total
storage capacity up to 2 million tons. At the same time it will ensure the
development of other logistics networks associated with this sphere.
We highly appreciate the assistance of such
institutions as the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Asian
Development Bank, World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, the Global Environment
Facility, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and many others, as well as
foreign government agencies, which have participated in attracting more than
1.1 billion USD for implementation of more than 100 investment and grant
projects aimed at modernizing and improving the efficiency of agriculture,
involving existing reserves and capacity to increase production of food crops
We also welcome the allocation 168 million euro
by the EU in the framework of development assistance for the period 2014-2020
for the implementation of national projects in Uzbekistan, mainly in the field
of rural development. At the same time, it is important to ensure the
implementation of pilot projects with an integrated approach, which would cover
issues of irrigation, support for small and medium-sized businesses, attraction
through pilot projects of new technologies in agricultural production such as
intensive gardening, drip irrigation and others.
In order to create an alternative system to
child and forced labour, special attention has been paid to the reform of the
education system, which provides a 12-year compulsory education, including, in
addition to general secondary education, training in academic lyceums and
professional colleges, covering all young people under the 18 years of age. The
school education in Uzbekistan is conducted in seven languages – Uzbek,
Karakalpak, Russian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and Tajik.
After completion of 9 years of secondary
school, the next 3 years the youth receives training in specialized
professional colleges and academic lyceums equipped with modern teaching and
laboratory, computer and mechanical equipment. There along with general studies
young people are also trained on two or three specialties demanded in the
labour market.
More than 1500 new professional colleges and
academic lyceums have been constructed in Uzbekistan during the years of
Overall the annual spending in Uzbekistan for
the development and reform of education accounts for up to 10-12% of GDP, and
its share in the state budget expenditures exceed 35%. This fact itself
highlights the enormous attention paid to this area.
To prevent the use of child labour more
attention is given to monitoring the school attendance of pupils. It should be
noted that during the entire school year attendance of the training sessions is
maintained at the level of 98-99 percent.
Each case of absence of a student in the
classroom without a valid excuse becomes a subject of discussion both at the
level of teaching staff and the Mahalla (citizens’ institute of
self-governance) with follow-up measures to immediately return a student to the
studies and sports activities at the school.
For the past period a specially created fund
financed the construction of around 1500 modern public sports facilities for
children. Almost every school, college and high school now has outdoor sports
fields and indoor gyms and swimming pools equipped with modern sports
equipment. Currently in Uzbekistan about 2 million children, including over
840,000 girls, are regularly engaged in more than 30 types of sports
A particular attention is paid in Uzbekistan to
the development of health care. 60 per cent of the public budget funds are
spent on social protection of the population annually. In 2014, there was an
in-depth medical examination of 6.5 million pupils of preschools and schools,
professional colleges and high schools, allowing early identification of
diseases and their successfully prevention.
In close cooperation with the Republic of
Korea, a construction of modern medical children's multi-center has started,
with no analogues in the other CIS countries, which will be equipped with
high-tech medical equipment.
As a result of the measures taken over the past
ten years, the number of children born with congenital malformations decreased
by 1.3 times. Among children of 6-15 incidences of acute respiratory viral
infections fell by 34.4 per cent, pneumonia - 49.7 per cent, bronchitis - 32.8
per cent, scoliosis - by 32.7 per cent. In general, over the years of
independence, infant and maternal mortality has reduced by more than 3 times,
and life expectancy of the population has increased for 7 years from 66 to
To prevent forced and child labor the
Parliament adopted the special Program which is being implement by the
Government. Under this Program jobs are created every year and more than
970.000 people get employed in order to increase incomes and living standards.
In 2014 about 1 million jobs were created, of which 60 per cent are in rural
Over the past year more than 600 thousand
graduates of educational institutions were employed. A significant part of
youth is employed by small businesses. Graduates of professional colleges,
decided to start their own business, receive about 200 billion soums of
preferential microloans, 1.4 times more than in 2013.
Overall, the share of small businesses and
private entrepreneurships in the GDP of Uzbekistan has grown from 1 per cent in
1991 to 56 percent in 2014. Currently, this sector of the economy employs more
than 76.5 per cent of the working population against 49.7 per cent in 2000.
As a result, the structure of income of the
population sees a growing share of income from business activities, which in
the years of independence has increased from 10.6 to 52 per cent. This is one
of the highest rates in the CIS countries. In contrast to other countries of
the former Soviet Union, in Uzbekistan there is no sharp population
stratification by income level. The level of differentiation in the
population’s income, when compared to the most and least affluent, decreased
from 53.3 times to 7.8 times, in the period from 2000 to the present. The
threshold value is 10, which is the criterion for social stability in society.
The most important thing is that a sense of social justice and security is
reflected in mood and well-being of the people. For instance, according to the
WHO, in 2012 the number of suicides per 100 thousand population was 8.5 cases
in Uzbekistan that is 2-2.5 times lower than in neighboring countries and most
of the CIS countries, as well as developed countries in Europe and Asia,
including cotton-growing states.
It is important to note that today almost every
second family has a personal car, which is particularly satisfying and making
feel pride – of domestic production (more than 250 thousand cars of 8 types of
Chevrolet cars are produced annually in partnership with the General Motors). A
strong focus is on strengthening road safety, along with the increase in the
numbers of cars in the country. According to WHO, published in 2013, in
Uzbekistan the number of deaths in road accidents per 100 thousand population was
almost 2 times less than in the neighboring countries (21.9 – in Kazakhstan,
19,2 – in Kyrgyzstan, 18.1 – in Tajikistan) and in a number of CIS countries (18.6 – in Russia,
18.1 – in Armenia, 15.7 – in Georgia). During the cotton harvest additional
measures are taken to ensure enhanced road safety. Therefore that anonymous
information distributed in the Internet about the growth of fatal accidents in
this period did not correspond to reality.
Today, a study of working conditions and
employment practices of labor in agriculture is carried out in cooperation with
ILO, which will clarify the concept of forced labor in the cotton harvest.
Steps have been taken to institutionalize free
hiring pickers through the labor market institutions.
From child and forced labor prevention’s
viewpoint it is important that a national system of monitoring compliance with
labor legislation has been formed today in Uzbekistan with the ILO’s
assistance, including in the sphere of child and forced labor, corresponding to
the ILO’s international standards and the ILO-IPEC’s methodology.
And that is why Uzbekistan can and will monitor
compliance with requirements of ILO Convention, with assistance of ILO and
involvement of NGOs registered in the country.
Evidence of firm commitment of Uzbekistan to
fulfill its international obligations in the field of labor protection is the
development in the last two years constructive dialogue and intensified
cooperation with the ILO. Since 2013 20 activities were held jointly with the
ILO. The representatives of the ILO visited Uzbekistan 9 times.
On 22-23 April 2015 Tashkent hosted an
international conference “The role of trade unions in ensuring citizens' rights
to decent working conditions: the experience of Uzbekistan” along UNDP, ILO and
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Progress in cooperation between ILO and
Uzbekistan discussed at the 103rd Annual International Labor Conference (ILC)
held in June 2014, as well as at a meeting of the ILO Committee of Experts.
Due to the fact that in 2013 the cooperation
between Uzbekistan and ILO reached high level and, taking into consideration
the Uzbek Government’s commitment to fulfill international obligations, the
ILC’s 103rd Session did not include Uzbekistan in the list of countries having
problems with the implementation of ILO Conventions.
The situation with the implementation of ILO
conventions by Uzbekistan (Conventions №182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour and
№105 on Abolition of Forced Labour) was not included in a preliminary list of
40 individual cases of concern, which may be considered at the 104th session of
the International Labour Conference in June 2015.
Taking into account the positive dynamics in
collaboration between Uzbekistan and ILO, we hope that the European Parliament
will adopt a decision to ratify this year the Protocol to amend to the
Cooperation and Partnership Agreement between Uzbekistan and EU, due to the
expiration of the Agreement on trade in textiles signed on April 7, 2011.
In June next year it would be exactly 20 years
since the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between Uzbekistan and the
EU was signed at the level of Heads of States and Governments during the visit
of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to Italy in June 1996.
The paragraph 1 of Article 43 of this document
states that the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Community shall establish
economic cooperation aimed at contributing to the process of economic reform
and recovery and sustainable development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Such
cooperation shall strengthen existing economic links, to the benefit of both
However, the performance of mutual trade and
attraction of the European investments to the Republic of Uzbekistan does not
correspond to the goals stated in this agreement and existing bilateral
For instance, in 2013 Uzbekistan's trade with
three countries of the Asia-Pacific region (China, South Korea and Japan)
exceeded $7 billion, with the CIS countries - more than $12 billion, while
trade with the 28 EU countries amounted to only $2.5 billion. In 2014 the trade
turnover between Uzbekistan and the EU countries amounted to over 1.8 billion
Euros. Where, the exports of the EU to Uzbekistan amounted to more than 1.5
billion Euro, while exports of Uzbekistan to the EU - about 234 million Euro,
i.e. the EU member states had a surplus in trade with our country - more than
1.3 billion Euros. While about 70% of Uzbekistan's imports from the EU are
machinery and equipment, at the same time over 60% of Uzbekistan’s exports to
the EU countries are raw materials. Herewith, the export of Uzbekistan textile
products to the EU amounted to only 39 million Euros or approximately 18% of
the total export of Uzbekistan to the EU member states.
Textile industry of Uzbekistan is one of the
national economy priorities aimed at creating new jobs and providing added
value, which since the independence has attracted more than $1.8 billion of
foreign investments to implement projects in the sphere of cotton processing,
creating new and modernizing existing facilities. The processing of cotton yarn
has increased from about 7% in 1991 to over 40% last year. Herewith, the export
of textile products has increased from $ 8 million in 1991 to $ 1 billion in
At the same time, a number of Asian countries
which have not ratified the ILO Conventions No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child
Labour and No. 105 concerning Abolition of Forced Labour exported to the EU the
textile industry products in the amount from 2.5 to 11 billion Euros. Herewith,
as indicated in the newspaper “The Guardian” of 5 May 2014, in one of the South
Asian countries there are more than 270 thousand farmer suicides since 1995 due
to the inability to return debts. These farmers were mainly engaged in the
cultivation of cotton.
It has been noted that one of the reasons of
the growth of farmers’ debts is the activity of transnational companies in the
introduction of genetically modified cotton. Due to this fact farmers are
forced to buy expensive herbicides produced by these companies.
This raises the objective question - why while
having deep problems in cotton production in the Asian continent, the web -
page of the cotton campaign (http://www.cottoncampaign.org/), which includes
more than 20 well-known American and European independent organizations,
contains 28 news and 33 reports, published from 2005 to April 2015 which are
devoted only to cotton production in Uzbekistan.
It is well known that before 2005 Uzbekistan
exported cotton through international traders of the Liverpool Cotton Exchange
and from that year began exporting cotton directly through the Tashkent Cotton
Fair. And from that moment Uzbekistan faces pressure based on distributing
generally the preconceived and biased information aimed at convincing the
European trading companies to refuse imports of textile products from
Uzbekistan. At the same time, textile products manufactured in Uzbekistan
exported to more than 40 countries.
Due to economic diversification and processing
industry development the share of agriculture in the country's GDP in 2014 compared
with 1991 decreased more than two times from 34% to 17%. At the same time the
share of industry in GDP of Uzbekistan increased by almost two times and is now
24.3% compared to 14.2% in 1991.
Uzbekistan attaches priority to develop
relations with the EU, and is interested in further strengthening mutual
understanding and deepen fruitful and mutually beneficial, constructive and
mutually respectful cooperation both multilaterally with the EU institutions,
including the European Parliament, and on a bilateral basis.
We hope that objective and unbiased approach
based on the assessments and findings of the authoritative international
organizations such as ILO, UNICEF, WHO and others will prevail during the
consideration on the approval of the Protocol, in order to further develop
healthy and stable relationship which correspond to the fundamental interests
of the parties, and ensure peace, stability, prosperity in Central Asia.